Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Workout tips for Beginners

Workout Tips For Beginners

Who is going to start a workout?

Are you planning to start a workout? Before starting workout just go through these tips and keep these in mind while doing yoga or workout.

If you are a beginner, then I know what are you thinking right now? You are totally confused about how and where to start? What to do? Then just go through this article, at the end of reading this content, you will be clear of how to start.

Don’t worry guys, I was also just like you. It is common that we just decide to lose weight but don’t go through how to and where to start? I had done many things as a beginner. I know to lose weight for an instant party that you look slim for the day party. I will share all this with you. But here, in this article let me tell you about workout tips for beginners.

If you are ready to work out and serious about losing weight, then just read this article. I am sure it will help all beginners.

Let’s start:- 

1. Plan your workout:

First, you need to plan your workout exercises that you are going to do on that day. I suggest you should set your goal for one month, 15 days or 1 week. As you are beginner you don’t have a habit of doing exercises so it might happen you will not be able to do some poses/exercises. But don’t get upset. Even I was not able to do many, but after 1 week, yes just one week and I was able to do every exercise except 2 or 3.

2. Take challenges:

Yes, challenge yourself. It works out because if you challenge yourself when you work out harder for completing the task and that results better. You can challenge your friends as we all always try to prove ourselves better than anyone else. And that works out more effectively. Either challenge yourself or anyone else. I started with challenging my friends and now I challenge myself every day.

3. Workout for 20-30 minutes:

As a beginner, you should workout for 20 to 30 minutes daily (4 to 5 days a week) for a practice. I suggest 5 days a week because as a beginner we are not able to work out properly. So, just start and do workout daily, you will get the habit and after some days you will be feeling restless or uncomfortable if you don’t exercise for 1 day also.

4. Time for a workout:

You can do workout anytime. As a beginner, I started my workout at evening timing at 4 PM. But keep in mind you have to do workout after 3 to 4 hours of your meal. I lost 6 to 7 Kgs by that. But I suggest if you can do it in the morning it has more benefit. Because you don’t have to remember the time of your meal. Yeah, if you cannot set your workout time in the morning just set any time for that but after 3 to 4 hours of your meal.

5. When to eat?

Eat after 30 minutes of your workout and 3 to 4 hours before your workout session. You can drink water after your session. If you drink warm or normal water with lemon & honey, it's more useful (warm water has more benefit). It is different I don’t take warm water, I prefer normal water. I drink 4 glass of warm water only in a day.

6. How to start?

Start with 5 minutes of warm-up. Then 15-20 minutes of high-intensity workout such as cardio or strength training. And end your session with 5 minutes of cool down. A cool down is important, you can skip your warm-up. I will be telling you in my next articles what workout you should do?

7. Take a 10-minute walk:

Take a 10-minute walk after every meal that means 3 sets of a 10-minute walk in a day. You can skip one set in morning breakfast. But don’t skip it at night after dinner.

8. Do your Posture perfectly:

As a beginner, you will not be able to posture perfectly but try to be perfect as much as possible by you. Your body needs 1 to 2 weeks for flexibility to do exercise or postures perfectly. Don’t lose hope if you are not able to do poses. 

9. Accept & Remove Pain:

As a beginner, on your first day of workout don’t do much, choose a light workout. Because even doing a light workout, your body will pain the next day. It is obvious, so be ready for the pain and accept it. Don’t skip your workout session because of your pain. If you want to remove body pain, you have to continue your session daily. Only 3 days your pain will remain. And this is the time you have to challenge your body and win over it. If there is more pain, just do your warm up and cool down and 5 minute light exercise but don’t skip it.

Now let’s discuss why your body pains the next day?

Your body pains, because your body does not have the habit of doing these movements. Your muscles and bones do not have the habit of movements you do in your workout session and so it will pain for 2 to 3 days.

Beginners, you have these tips with my experience. So, just go through these and don’t wait for tomorrow, start today itself guys. You will feel tired to skip it for one day. But don’t and just do your workout for 21 days to make a habit, I assure you will get a habit of this and you will feel tired whenever you skip even for one day also.

Feel free to ask question guys. I am waiting for your questions. Also, if you want to answer anyone’s question, answer it. I am waiting for a long discussion with you.

I hope this helps you to set your goal. Do plan your workout session before doing.

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