Sunday, December 30, 2018

Weight loss tips for Beginners

Weight Loss Tips for Beginners

Who wants to lose weight just now?

Are you planning to lose weight in this new year 2019? Then you are at right place. Here, this article tells you about weight loss tips for beginners. This article will help you lose weight because these tips are of my own experience. 

If you are serious about weight loss, then go ahead.

Here are some tips that you should keep in mind if you are planning to start losing weight:-

So, let’s start with our tips:

1. Don’t starve yourself:

Don’t starve yourself. Now, the question arises why you should not starve? The reason is when you think of starving, your mind thinks that your body will not get the number of calories that is needed. And then whatever you eat, the body will fight to keep calories saved and that will be stored which will result in low metabolism (almost shut down) and stored fat. Your body gets into “starvation-protection” mode.

2. Eat in small portions:

Divide your 3 meals into 6 meals. If you divide your 3 meals portion into 6 meals and eat a small amount of portion and eat in every 3 hours, it boosts your metabolism rate, controls blood-sugar and starves off hunger and keeps you fill. But keep in mind eating in a small amount, don’t exceed the meal or overeat. Don’t eat when you are not hungry.

3. Do 20 minutes of yoga/workout:

If you are a beginner, then you start with 15 to 20 minutes of workout or yoga. I prefer yoga as it stretches my whole body and our body becomes more flexible. Also, yoga has many benefits other than losing weight. A workout is also good for our body and I have started losing weight via workout but now I prefer yoga. Or if you don’t like to do workout or yoga just go for 20 to 30 minutes of walking with your earphones/music or with your friend but don’t talk too much. You can do anytime but if possible do in the morning.

4. Start your day with water:

Yes, start your day with water. You can take normal water also but if possible prefer warm water. Also, you can add lemon & honey or cinnamon & honey or Cumin-seeds (full night kept in water) with lemon. Water helps you cleaning the body.

5. What to do when hungry?

If you have the habit of overeating and get hungry then to control your hunger just take water with lemon and add a pinch of salt/sugar for taste every 2 hours. This will control your hunger & you will not get cravings to eat varieties. If you are a student/employee take this drink in your bottle and drink it whenever thirsty. 

6. Take some sunlight :

you should take some sunlight if you want. This will give you vitamin-D and this will control your hunger. This is not needed if you are doing morning yoga or workout because that will also boost your metabolism and control your hunger.

7. Keep Track of your activities:

Yes, keep track of you activities-diet & exercise, calories per day. You should complete 200 - 250 minutes of workout per week for losing weight. If you to just stay fit, then complete 150 minutes of exercises per week.

8. Avoid high calorie foods:

Avoid some food which contains high calories such as cold-drinks, packet food, oily foods, junk food. Eat healthy food if possible. You can eat fruits, salads. 

9. Beverages:

If you are addicted to tea or coffee 2 times a day. Just cut off to one time. I suggest don’t drink tea at all. Coffee one time a day is allowable but if possible don’t drink or drink it without milk. Drink green tea.

I hope these tips help you and if you follow these, I am sure you will start losing weight.

Now, let’s see why are you not losing weight?  why your body has stored fat?

The answer to this is your metabolism rate. As your metabolism boosts your body start getting into shape. 
Just follow the above tips, your metabolism will boost up. These tips given by me are my own experience. 

If you follow all these, your body will not have extra stored fats.

Ok, if anybody has questions related to the above tips just feel free to ask. I will be feeling pleasure to answer your questions. 
I know many questions come to our mind about weight loss tips for beginners. 

I welcome all your doubts and questions. I will be sharing many more tips ahead of my own experience.

Read more about workout tips. click below link!

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