Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tips to Gain weight

Tips to gain weight

Who wants to gain weight?

Who are underweight? Who wants to gain weight? But, before that, underweight means that your weight is not according to your height as per BMI. It means your BMI is less than 19.

So, you need to gain weight with the necessary amount of protein & vitamin needed to your body. There are many reasons for being underweight such as some diseases, cancer, infections etc…

Are you serious to be healthy? Then you are at the right place, just go through these tips to gain weight.

Let’s start:

1. Burn less than your intake calories:

First, you need to see is that you eat more than burning calories. You should eat more than you work out. You should eat at least 500 to 600 calories extra than your burning calories.

2. Add sugary items:

Add sugary items in your diet. Drink coffee or chocolate shake to your routine. Eat deserts after the meal. But don’t eat junk food. We need to be careful to gain weight with benefits to your body.

3. Take smoothie:

Start your day with banana smoothie which includes banana, oats, almonds, milk, and honey. Or you can take your favorite item and make a smoothie of it. But the banana is the best and is mostly available at home.

4. Add rice to your meal:

Take 2 times rice out of 4 meals a day. Rice contains carbohydrates and carbs. It helps you eat more. A cup of rice contains 200 calories.

5. Add meat & salmon fish and oily fish:

Meat, salmon and oily fish are rich in protein. You should add these to your meal for gaining weight.

6. Add potato & starch:

Eat more potatoes and starch to gain weight. It increases glycogen in your body. It will help you increase weight.

7. Add cheese & dark chocolate:

You should eat a large amount of cheese & dark chocolate as it contains more protein. Both are very rich in protein.

8. Don’t drink water before a meal:

Don’t drink water before a meal as it will keep you fill and you might not be able to eat more. So, don’t drink water empty stomach.

9. Add bread to your day:

Add bread, pizza, and sandwiches to your day. it will be stored as fat in your body. And this will be useful to gain weight.

10. Lift heavy weights instead of running:

Yes, lift a heavyweight or do weight training and avoid running to lose extra calories. Do exercises which do not shed extra pounds from your body but, add pounds to your body.

11. Keep track:

Keep track of your intake of calories and burnt calories. it will help you calculate where and what to do to gain weight. It will help you decide whether to add more calories or exercise to burn calories.

12. Get good sleep/weigh  yourself:

Sleep is the most important in your weight gaining process. Before sleeping, if you eat & sleep, you will gain weight fast. Weigh yourself daily at the same time or in the interval of 3 days or 1 week.

I hope this was useful to you. If you have any questions just feel free to ask.

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