Monday, January 7, 2019

Lose Belly Fat tips

Lose Belly Fat

Do you want to lose weight?

Are you tired of your belly fat? Just follow these below tips to reduce your belly.

We all are tired of our belly fat especially women. But don’t worry here I will share you my tips for cutting down your belly fat. Because of our belly fat, we look more fat and bulgy, our clothes look more tight, right? If you have to look slim then just look forward to losing fat off your arms and belly.

So, I am sure everybody wants to lose belly fat. Just get ready and follow these tips for a few days (15 to 20 days). These tips will give a good result if you follow these.

Read about weight loss tips click for more >>

Let's get started with our tips:

1. Stand/sit straight:

Stand or sit straight with lifting your belly straight and tight. It will be difficult for you for some days but do practice for 1 to 2 hours daily. This will make you a habit of it. Just keep your posture correctly and keep your stomach or belly straight upright. Just get your posture perfect always.

2. Take a 10-minute easy walk:

Take a 10-minute easy walk after every meal. This means you walk like you are roaming in a garden with your music on. Walk in a straight posture of your body but remain cool. This correct posture walk will not only reduce your belly but also give your body a good shape.

3. Track your activities:

Keep a track of your meal, calories, and work out of a day. By keeping track, you will get to know how and where to cut your calorie or manage the time of your workout/yoga session. Keep a gap of 3 to 4 hours between your meal and workout session. Keep or buy a diary manually or use your mobile phones or laptops, computers for keeping your daily record.

4. Do some poses to lose belly fat:

Include these 6 poses to your workout/yoga sessions:
-Child Pose
-Downward dog
-Pavan Mukta Aasana
Do these poses to lose your belly fat with perfect postures. Keep your whole body straight and pose this yoga asanas for 12 minutes (2 minutes each or 1 minute each with 2 reps).

Read about yoga tips Click for more>>

5. Sit in vajraasana:

Sit in Vajraasana after a meal for 10 minutes for digestion of your meal. This is optional. If you prefer a 10-minute walk, then ignore this tips. But any time you are free to sit in this position, it is very useful. 

6. Drink warm water:

Drink warm water with lemon with empty stomach in the morning and in the evening. At night, just drink warm water before 10 minutes to bed. It will work as a cleansing medium of your body system.

7. Eat in right proportion:

Eat more fiber containing food. Add protein to your meal. Divide your meals into 4 to 6 meals. It means divide not to add extra calories. Divide your 3 meal portion into 6 meals and eat it 2 to 3 hours of interval.

8. Eat in small plate:

Yes, take a small plate for your meal. As it will look like the plate is full and you will feel full with that. With that, you will be filled and also your intake will be little less than before. Don’t diet but lower your intake by dividing your intake meal into 6.

9. Avoid sugary food:

Don’t take sugary or sweetened food. Avoid cold drinks and tea or coffee containing sugar. You can use honey instead of sugar.

10. Hydrate yourself:

Yes, be a hydrated full day. Drink more water. And if you don’t feel like drinking water, again and again, add lemon and a pinch of salt & pepper for a taste and drink it. You will feel good and it will also prevent hunger. Take this drink every 2 to 3 hours.

11. Have a cup of green tea/lemon & ginger tea:

Replace your tea with green tea or lemon tea. Green tea is available in the market just buy it and make it at home in 2 minutes. Lemon & ginger tea is the drink of lemon, honey, and ginger.

If you are a lover of milk and can’t live without milk, then have a glass of milk at night 2 hours before going to bed and eat less in your dinner.

12. Walk as much as possible:
Walk in leisure but take a long walk. Walk as much possible to you. Don’t take lifts, take steps. Don’t take the vehicle if it is near, go by walk. Download some applications to count your steps daily. Also challenge yourself daily with a given steps challenge per day.

Read about workout tips click for more >>

I hope this will be helpful to you. Follow these daily, I assure within 3 days you will see the result.

Any questions related, just feel free to ask. Your questions are my reward that you are interested in my articles.

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